
2023WUT New International Students Orientation Held Successfully



2023WUT New International Students Orientation Held Successfully

In order to help new international students adjust to study, research, and life, and to guide them to be enterprising and innovative, the International Students Management Office coordinated with the Immigration Office, Police Station, Security Office, University Hospital, Library, Mental Health Center, and International Students Teaching to organize and conduct a two-week new student orientation from September 15th to September 28th.

为帮助国际学生新生适应学习、科研、生活,引导学生奋发有为、开拓创新,由留学生管理办公室协调出入境、派出所、校保卫处、校医院、图书馆、心理健康中心及留学生教学等部门,组织安排了9 月 15日至 9 月 28 日为期两周的新生入学教育活动。




In September, the Polytechnic campus is full of picturesque autumn colors and a poetic atmosphere. On this beautiful day full of harvest and hope, the new students of 2023 started the first class of the school year. On the morning of September 15, the Opening Ceremony of the New Students of 2023 was held in the Nanhu Stadium, all the new international students attended the ceremony, and a Yemen student, Osamah, as the representative of the new international students, went on the stage to accept the Party Secretary of the university, Mr. Xin Sijin, to wear the emblem of the university for the new students. The international students appreciated the beauty of WUT from the beautiful campus environment, profound school heritage, distinctive school management characteristics, and exemplary leadership in education digitalization.

九月的理工校园,秋色如画 诗意盎然。在这充满收获和希望的美好日子,2023级新生迎来开学第一堂课。9月15日上午,2023级新生开学典礼在南湖体育场举行,全体国际学生新生出席了开学典礼,也门学生奥萨作为国际学生新生代表上台接受校党委书记信思金为新生佩戴校徽。国际学生从优美的校园环境、深厚的学校底蕴、鲜明的办学特色、教育数字化的示范引领等方面,领略武汉理工之美。




On the morning of Monday, September 18th, in order to strengthen international students' awareness of self-safety and help them better integrate into campus life, the School of International Education held an Orientation Education Seminar for new students. Dr. Xu Wei from the University Hospital introduced the current prevalent infectious diseases and preventive measures; Ms. Li Zhu from the Mental Health Center introduced the concept of culture shock and suggested how to adapt to culture shock and alleviate psychological pressure; Ms. Ren Jiasi from the University Library introduced the distribution, functions and services of the library, which will help students to learn how to use the library's functions to obtain efficient services for their professional life. Liu Xinyang, a police officer from Wuhan Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, explained the laws and regulations related to international students and reminded students to abide by the safety rules and regulations, and to beware of illegal residence and illegal employment; the police officer from Mafangshan Police Station, Ms. Liu Wenjuan, introduced to the students the possible telecommunication network frauds and other behaviors, so that the students could further establish the awareness of safety prevention. Teachers from the International Student Teaching Office shared teaching information and reminded undergraduates and postgraduates of the matters they need to pay attention to in the course of their future study, such as course selection and dissertation defense.





In the afternoon of Monday, September 18, the Fire Safety Section of the Security Office of the University and the International Students Management Office conducted a fire safety education in the Bo Xue Square of Nanhu Campus. During the activity, students participated in the demonstration of the actual use of fire extinguishers, learned how to correctly operate different types of fire extinguishers to extinguish small-scale fires as well as the precautions needed for escape and evacuation. Students felt the real scene of fire through the simulation of smoke escape experience hall and simulation of fire extinguishing experience hall, and the combination of simulation and actual fire extinguishing, which effectively enhanced the ability to evacuate and extinguish fires in practice.





In order to help new students understand the rules and regulations, familiarize with campus life, make good study plans and quickly adapt to university life, the International Students Management Office provided university life adaptation education for all categories of students. On September 20 and 23, student associations and activities, clothing, food, housing, transportation and other aspects of life in Wuhan were introduced in a lively and interesting way. In addition, the Office of International Student Management and volunteers also led students to communicate with fresh and Senior students, visit the campus and professional colleges and other activities.





On Wednesday afternoon, September 20 and Friday afternoon, September 22, two sessions of anti-drug and legal education were held. on September 20, Zheng Ruiyang and Waqar, Chinese and foreign anti-drug volunteers from Wuhan University of Technology , talked about the types of drugs, their dangers and impacts. Wang Ran, deputy director of Wuhan Wuzhong Psychiatric Hospital, shared real-life cases in the anti-drug process around the identification of disorders related to amphetamines, opioids and ketamine, and warned international students to stay away from drugs. On September 22nd, the anti-drug volunteers led the international students to the Hongshan District Anti-Drug Institute and visited the anti-drug education exhibition hall and the anti-drug lecture hall. The international students learned about China's anti-drug history, the characteristics and hazards of traditional, new and common drugs, and the new disguises and preventive methods of various drugs through watching picture panels and audio-visual materials.





On September 27, international student counselor Cai Cai led students to study the International Student Handbook and take an online test on school rules and regulations to help them make a good study plan and understand the campus regulations.On September 28, 100 teachers and students went to visit the Yellow Crane Tower, the Shouyi Museum and the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, to experience the historical and humanistic beauty of Wuhan as a river city.


Thus, the 2023 International Student Orientation of Wuhan University of Technology was successfully concluded. More than 200 international students from about 50 countries and regions will study in different majors in 18 colleges and start their new journey of study abroad.


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  供稿:蔡偲 林龙


审稿:李 理