
发布时间:2021-01-07 14:34:00

First Semester Online Teaching Experience

My courses:

Oral English (Graphic Design and 3D Computer Animation)

English Listening and Speaking (Automotive Engineering)


Overall, I believe this semester of teaching English online at Wuhan University of Technology has been a positive experience. Although I was unable to instruct my students in person, I was impressed with the QQ classroom function and its ability to facilitate online language learning. While in person learning is a preferable environment for learning a foreign language, I am impressed with the variety of communicative learning activities that the QQ classroom can facilitate. QQ has been an amazing tool for providing quality instruction and staying connected with my students, even while we are on separate continents.

While my first semester of teaching certainly came with challenges, such as how to manage and keep track of all of my students’ work on a new online platform, I firmly believe my students’ had a positive learning experience using the online classroom. With the help of my teaching assistants, who helped me communicate with students and keep them on track, I was able to overcome many of the challenges which came with online teaching. Good communication between students and teachers has made this first semester of teaching online a positive experience.

While there are many areas where I would like to improve my teaching for next semester, I am happy with the instruction I provided this semester and have received positive feedback from my students as well. I look forward to continuing teaching English with Wuhan University of Technology via QQ, and I am grateful for the educational opportunities that online learning technology has provided in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.







(供稿:Kelli Rozendaal
