
发布时间:2020-05-28 08:43:00




座谈中,计算机专业博士生Junaid  Hussein表示:我要衷心感谢中国政府以及我的大学(武汉理工大学)行政部门在疫情大流行期间对我们的特别照顾。习主席致巴基斯坦学生的信是兄弟般的友谊和相互合作以促进可持续发展的一种姿态。彰显了他作为世界领导人和政治家的伟大远见,我对此表示谦卑的问候和美好祝愿!

I am Junaid Hussein, PhD Computer science Student at Wuhan University of Technology. I express my sincere gratitude to the Chinese Government in general and to my university administration in special for taking special care of us during the Pandemic. President Xi's letter in response to Pakistani Students is a kind gesture of brotherhood and mutual cooperation for sustainable development. It shows his great vision as a world leader and statesman. I express my humble regards for it. Thanks


  交通学院桥梁与隧道工程博士生Yasir Ibrahim shah深有感触地说道,中国政府、地方当局及学校(武汉理工大学)在疫情最艰难时期,为他们提供了雪中送炭般帮助,让他们生活安全、舒适,感到难以忘怀!他十分钦佩中国政府通过系统化与科学化的运筹帷幄来抗击疫情所做的各种努力,他高度赞赏习近平主席对巴基斯坦学生来信的回复,习主席在信中所强调的相互学习、合作,是朝向光明未来发展的必然,其全景使命昭示着大家要以公正的态度、公正的方式来处理跨国界健康问题,以此超越区域和国家偏见。中国管理体制为全世界树立了榜样。他深情喊出:中巴友谊万岁!

I'm Yasir Ibrahim shah; PhD student in Bridge and Tunnel Engineering. I would like to say thanks to the Chinese Government, local authorities and especially to the management of Wuhan University of technology. During this hard period University management help us lot and made us feel comfortable have great confidence in Chinese Government. I admire their efforts and approach towards combating this epidemic in systematic and scientific way. I highly appreciate President Xi Jinping response to the letter of Pakistani students in which he stressed the need for mutual learning, cooperation, growth towards a promising future.This epidemic made us all realize that its needs a joint efforts to handle health issues across the borders with impartiality and beyond any regional and national biases.Chinese governing system has set an example for whole world to follow.

经济学院硕士生Najaf Iqbal认为,习主席的回信让他回想起学校对他的各种暖心照顾,这种亲身体验最为真实、感受深刻,他从内心上深深认同中国、武汉是世界上最为安全的国家与地区之一,任何不实的歧视和虚假媒体宣传,都是以不怀好意,达到不可告人的目的为目标,中国在抗击疫情方面的努力是具有成效和有目共睹的,他要用自己的声音,尽力为中国呐喊和加油!

I am master student of School of Economics Wuhan University of Technology, I did my final thesis defense and will graduate this year in June 2020. I am very thankful to the Management of International School Office specially to Mr. David and Ms. Yulia who helped us a lot in this hard time of lockdown we never forget the Chinese government who helped and take care of every thing which is need in the daily life such vegetables, fruits, chocolates, mineral water, sanitizer, mask and cloves. during this epidemic we learned from our close eye that who Chinese government response to this challenging disease. I am also very greatfull to President Xi who gave response to our Pakistani students who are studying in Beijing and taking care of all International students from all around the world. Chinese government never did discrimination to any one we saw, read and watch many fake videos but the reality is very far away from this may be there are but one who didn't follow the rules and regulations the things occurs to him or her. but some people make it propaganda to achieve some goals. lastly I am very happy here in Wuhan to study and I think China is one of the safest place in the world for all.

博士生Manzoor Ahmed Sanjrani在感谢伟大领导人习近平主席给中国巴基斯坦学生回信之余,同时感谢学校留学生办公室对他的关心和爱护,他将这种关心故事传回到祖国、家人和父母,大家对此都感到非常满意,他表示武汉是他的第二故乡,他深深地挚爱着武汉,希望将来有机会能够在中国工作,同时希望学校能够给予帮助。

I am Manzoor Ahmed Sanjrani from Pakistan. PhD student in Wuhan University of technology. I am thankful to great leader president Xi for letter to Pakistani students in China. I am also thankful ISO for their care and love. I told University leader in my country Pakistan about your care and My parents were satisfied. My request that Wuhan University of technology also help us to work in China from July 2020 as it is our second home.

       计算机学院计算机科学专业博士研究生Nasir Jamal对中国政府和学校在新冠肺炎疫情爆发期间所给予的特殊照顾十分感激和赞赏。所有巴基斯坦学生和所有外国人在武汉从未感受过不安全,尽管最初的几周对他们来说非常困难,家人们也比较关心和挂念当时的武汉局势,但在中国政府和学校的鼎力帮助下,大家最终平安渡过难关,对于中国政府和中国人民的这种仁慈和友爱,他将终身铭记,这一事件也使得中巴人民之间的友谊更加牢固坚实。

The special care had done by Chinese government and wuhan University of Technology officials during cornoa virus outbreak is really appreciated. We all Pakistani students and all foreigners never felt a single moment that we are unsafe during pandemic situation, although the initial few weeks are very difficult for us, our parents were really concerned about us and the the situation about Wuhan those days. Our University officials didn't let us alone and give us special care in  all aspects. We will never forget this kindness of Chinese government and Chinese people. It makes people to people relationship more stronger.







