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Notice for Tomb-Sweeping Day Holiday

来源:      时间: 2021-04-30


According to the university schedule, the Tomb-Sweeping Day Holiday will be from April 3th(Saturday) to 5th(Monday). The specific security tips are as follows.

  1. 出门时应切断除冰箱以外的所有源。

  2. 房间内禁止使用电炉、液化气炉、酒精炉、电熨斗、电吹风、电磁炉、热得快等家用电器及任何800W以上的大功率电器。

  3. 使用热水器时应断开电源。

  4. 宿含内装有烟雾报警器,请不要在宿舍内做饭或吸烟。

  5. 禁止在宿舍内私拉电线和私接电源。

  1. Turn off all power except the refrigerator when going out.

  2. It is forbidden to use electric stoves, liquefied gas stoves, alcohol stoves, electric irons, hair dryers, induction cookers, hot stoves and other household appliances and any high-power appliances above 800W.

  3. The student is highly advised to make sure to cut off the power of the electronic water heater when take a shower.

  4. All the rooms are equipped with smoke detector alarm, so students are not advised to cook or smoke in the room.

  5. It is forbidden to pull the wires and private power supply in the dormitory.


If any safety accidents such as fire arises by improper use of the above-mentioned appliances, the host student shall be responsible for all the losses. Those who have not been corrected after criticism and education shall be given warned, seriously warned and demerit punished according to their circumstances. (For details, please refer to Article 18 of Discipline and Punishment Criteria for WUT Students.)


Driving after drinking alcohol or driving with no license and registration are stictly prohibited.


Get the approval from the International Student Office when you travel outside the Wuhan area. Try to travel with a partner or in a group and take care of each other. Stay in touch with your relatives,friends or International Student Office. Avoid going out alone at night.


International students are not allowed to join any commercial activities held by any institution without the permission of the office.


2、Fire Department:119

3、Traffic Accidents:122

4、First Aid and Ambulance:120

5、On-campus Security Office:87651110

6、International Student Office:

     87608608(Mafangshan Office)

     87590525(Nanhu Office)

     86554406(Yujiatou Office)

7、After Work Emergency Call:13387556113


清明节,是中华民族最隆重盛大的祭祖大节,属于礼敬祖先的一种文化传统节日。清明节凝聚着民族精神,传承了中华文明的祭祀文化,抒发人们尊祖敬宗、继志述事的道德情怀。清明节历史悠久,源自上古时代的春祭活动,春秋二祭,古已有之。Tomb-sweeping Festival is the most grand ancestor worship festival of the Chinese nation. It is a traditional cultural festival that respects ancestors. Tomb-sweeping Festival embodies the national spirit, inherits the sacrificial culture of Chinese civilization, and expresses people's moral feelings of respecting the ancestors, respecting the ancestors, and following the will. The Tomb-sweeping Festival has a long history, originated from the spring worship activities in ancient times, and the spring and autumn  worship activities, which has existed since ancient times.






The Chinese nation has had the custom of spring outing since ancient times. Spring outing in ancient times called tanchun, such as the pursuit of spring or have an outing in spring days.




Tomb-sweeping is also called "tomb sacrifice", which means respect for the time of ancestors. Paying homage to ancestors is a way of remembering the memory of ancestors, which has a long history of customs.




Green dumpling

Green dumpling is a traditional food for the Tomb-sweeping day. It is made of wormwood, glutinous rice flour and bean paste. It is sweet and savoury, with a light and long grassy aftertaste.

Writing:Jodie Wang

Proof reading:David Hu,Li Li

